
Showing posts from July, 2023

Brandon Frere Weighs Personal Health Against Running a Business

Work-life balance is important but often goes by the wayside when one starts a new business. Indeed, new businesses require a lot of time beyond the 40-hour week, leaving little time for self-care and family. Brandon Frere , CEO and Entrepreneur has logged countless hours in creating and building businesses and understands the value of personal health in relation to running a business. “My company mission is important to me, the people I work with and the results we produce but my health is equally important,” said Frere. “I’ve learned over the years that when I pay attention to my health, my work quality improves. I encourage those around me to do the same thing.” The balance between work and life is important for personal health. While business owners may not be able to achieve such balance to as high a degree as their employees, they can focus on improving their personal health. Healthy habits can improve focus and productivity, which can help business owners’ efficiency. Ea

Brandon Frere on the Promises and Challenges of Ultimate Gamification

Even the most dedicated and conscientious employees can flounder, whether because of too much pressure or too little stimulation. Gamification is not a recent phenomenon, but it’s picking up steam as a legitimate business practice to whip up employee and client interest alike. A well-designed game or contest can pump life into anyone or anything from a lagging employee to a deflated global marketing campaign. Brandon Frere views gamification as a valuable possibility in the technology and financial services industries, where his primary interests lie. Frere, founder and CEO of Frere Enterprises, wants to continue the discussion on gamification and how it can revolutionize company productivity. “I am developing gamification tools right now to approach several different processes in a new way,” said Frere, who is interested in implementing them across multiple platforms.“I’m interested in getting those gears working, creating a dynamic environment so that people are motivated to do we